Montrose County Sheriff’s Office West End
Activity Log
0914 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 400 block of East Fourth Avenue in Nucla for an animal problem.
0936 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 500 block of West Fifth Avenue in Nucla for a theft report.
1413 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 27500 block of EE28 Road near Naturita for a trespassing report.
1559 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 400 block of East Fourth Avenue in Nucla for a fire assist.
1627 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 200 block of Cascade Circle in Naturita for a traffic complaint. Shane Williams, 19, was issued a warning for careless driving and driving without a valid driver’s license.
1729 Hours Deputy took an information report in the 35100 block of II Road near Redvale.
1 VIN inspection
2 directed patrols in Nucla
2 directed patrols in County
2 directed patrols in Naturita
Montrose County Sheriff’s Office West End
Activity Log
0739 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 400 block of East Fourth Avenue in Nucla for an animal problem.
1344 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the intersection of Highway 141 and Highway 145 near Naturita for an accident.
1523 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 31500 block of Highway 141 near Naturita for a theft report.
1555 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 400 block of West Second Avenue in Naturita for an animal problem.
2221 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the Naturita area for a report of gunshots.
1 VIN inspection
2 directed patrols in Nucla
1 directed patrol in Naturita
Montrose County Sheriff’s Office West End
Activity Log
0925 Hours Melissa Bray, 69, was contacted at the intersection East Tenth Avenue and Main Street in Nucla and cited for speeding.
1002 Hours Bruce Wright, 56, was contacted in the 400 block of Main Street in Nucla and cited for an illegal U-Turn.
1119 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 100 block of Wilson Street in Naturita for a parking problem.
1507 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 34700 block of 3650 Road near Redvale for a theft report.
1544 Hours Elizabeth Newey, 33, was contacted in the 100 block of West Main Street in Naturita and issued a warning for speeding.
1840 Hours Deputy was dispatched to Highway 145 mm 116 near Redvale for an animal problem.
2053 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 300 block of Payson Street in Naturita for a medical assist.
3 directed patrols in Nucla
5 directed patrols in County
4 directed patrols in Naturita
Montrose County Sheriff’s Office West End
Activity Log
0842 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 34300 block of 3760 Road near Redvale for a welfare check.
0848 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 33700 block of Highway 145 near Redvale for an animal problem.
1602 Hours Courtney Kizer, 37, was contacted on Highway 145 mm 115 near Redvale and issued a warning for speeding.
2 directed patrols in Nucla
6 directed patrols in County
3 directed patrols in Naturita
Montrose County Sheriff’s Office West End
Activity Log
1337 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 400 block of Adams Street in Naturita for a medical assist.
1401 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 400 block of Highland Drive in Naturita for a fire.
2218 Hours Deputy was dispatched to the 100 block of West Main Street in Naturita for an animal problem.
1 directed patrol in Nucla
2 directed patrols in County
2 directed patrols in Naturita