Montrose County Sheriff’s Office West End

Activity Log


1221 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the 100 block of West Fifth Avenue in Nucla for a 911.

1433 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the 200 block of Payson Street in Naturita for a fire assist.

1608 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to Highway 97 and Crabtree Road in Naturita for a motorist assist.

1717 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to Highway 90 mm 31 near Naturita for a motorist assist. 

2057 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the 100 block of West Sixth Avenue in Nucla for a disturbance.

1 VIN inspection

Montrose County Sheriff’s Office West End

Activity Log


0814 Hours         Deputy took an information report in the 200 block of Cascade Circle in Naturita.

1107 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the 400 block of Pine Street in Naturita for a traffic complaint. Mignon Chadd, 41, was cited for no insurance and reckless driving.

1227 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the 100 block of Payson Street in Naturita for an information report.

1707 Hours         Deputy took an information report in 27700 block of DD Road near Nucla.

1708 Hours         Brandie Thompson, 47, was contacted on Highway 97 mm 4 near Nucla and issued a warning for speeding.      

1748 Hours         David Jahn, 38, was contacted in the 100 block of West Main Street in Naturita and issued a warning for driving a defective vehicle.

1950 Hours         Isabella Biggs, 24, was contacted on Highway 97 mm 4 near Nucla and issued a warning for speeding.

2005 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the 700 block of West Eleventh Avenue in Nucla for a traffic complaint. Jordan Ramey, 20, was cited for speeding.

1 warrant attempt

3 follow up reports

1 civil process attempted/served

Montrose County Sheriff’s Office West End

Activity Log


1157 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the 200 block of East Third Avenue in Nucla for an information report.  

1329 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the 400 block of West Second Avenue in Naturita for an abandoned vehicle.

1434 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the 24300 block of X7 Road near Bedrock for a civil matter.  

1618 Hours         Casey Kanikowski, 31, was contacted in the 200 block of West Main Street in Naturita and arrested for driving under the influence, DUI per Se, and careless driving.

1623 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the area of West Seventh Avenue and Juniper Street in Nucla for an information report.

1709 Hours         Deputy conducted a citizen assist at the intersection of Highway 141 and Highway 145 near Naturita.

2113 Hours         Deputy took a traffic complaint in the area of 2810 Road near Nucla.

2247 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the area of Highway 141 mm 76 near Naturita for a welfare check.

2 directed patrols in County

7 civil processes attempted/served

Montrose County Sheriff’s Office West End

Activity Log


0149 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the 700 block of Grape Street in Nucla for a disturbance. Jerimiah Maltby, 33, was cited for harassment and trespassing.

1218 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the 500 block of Main Street in Nucla for a medical assist.

1610 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the Mailbox Park area for a fire.

1941 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the 29100 block of Highway 97 near Nucla for an animal problem.      

2027Hours          Deputy was dispatched to the area of DD Road and Highway 97 near Nucla for an animal problem.

2151 Hours         Deputy was dispatched to the 600 block of King Street in Nucla for a civil matter.